Source code for cgr_gwas_qc.parsers.plink

import pandas as pd

from cgr_gwas_qc.typing import PathLike

[docs]def read_het(filename: PathLike) -> pd.DataFrame: """Parse PLINK's het file format. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A (n x 5) table with the following columns .. csv-table:: :header: name, dtype, description **ID** (*index*), object, Sample or Subject ID O_HOM, int, Observed number of homozygotes E_HOM, int, Expected number of homozygotes N_NM, int, Number of non-missing autosomal genotypes F, float, Method-of-moments F coefficient estimate References: - - """ return ( pd.read_csv(filename, delim_whitespace=True, dtype={"FID": "string", "IID": "string"}) .drop("FID", axis=1) .rename({"IID": "ID", "O(HOM)": "O_HOM", "E(HOM)": "E_HOM", "N(NM)": "N_NM"}, axis=1) .set_index("ID") )
[docs]def read_hwe(filename: PathLike) -> pd.DataFrame: """Parse PLINK's hwe file format. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A (# SNP x 9) table with the following columns .. csv-table:: :header: name, dtype, description **SNP** (*index*), string, SNP ID CHR, string, Chromosome code TEST, string, Type of test; one of {ALL, AFF, UNAFF, ALL(QT), ALL(NP)} A1, string, Allele 1 (usually minor) A2, string, Allele 2 (usually major) GENO, string, '/'- separated genotype counts (A1 hom, het, A2 hom) O_HET, float, Observed heterozygote frequency E_HET, float, Expected heterozygote frequency P, float, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium exact test p-value References: - - """ dtypes = { "CHR": "string", "SNP": "string", "TEST": "string", "A1": "string", "A2": "string", "GENO": "string", "O(HET)": "float", "E(HET)": "float", "P": "float", } return ( pd.read_csv(filename, delim_whitespace=True, dtype=dtypes) .rename({"O(HET)": "O_HET", "E(HET)": "E_HET"}, axis=1) .set_index("SNP") )
[docs]def read_genome(filename: PathLike) -> pd.DataFrame: """Parse PLINK's genome file format. Each row of the genome file is a pairwise combinations of samples/subjects. I am unsure of how plink assigns IID order. Here I sort IDs alphanumerically which will make searching for pairs easier because you can assume the order. >>> ID1, ID2 = sort([IID1, IID2]) Returns: pd.DataFrame: A (n x 5) table with the following columns .. csv-table:: :header: name, dtype, description ID1, object, First Sample or Subject ID (alphanumerically) ID2, object, Second Sample or Subject ID (alphanumerically) RT, object, Relationship type inferred from .fam/.ped file {FS: Full Sib, HS, Half Sib, PO: Parent-Offspring, OT; Other} EZ, object, IBD sharing expected value, based on just .fam/.ped relationship Z0, float, P(IBD=0) Z1, float, P(IBD=1) Z2, float, P(IBD=2) PI_HAT, float, Proportion IBD, i.e. P(IBD=2) + 0.5*P(IBD=1) PHE, int, Pairwise phenotypic code (1, 0, -1 = case-case, case-ctrl, and ctrl-ctrl pairs, respectively) DST, float, IBS distance, i.e. (IBS2 + 0.5*IBS1) / (IBS0 + IBS1 + IBS2) PPC, float, IBS binomial test RATIO, float, HETHET: IBS0 SNP ratio (expected value 2) IBS0, int, Number of IBS 0 nonmissing variants IBS1, int, Number of IBS 1 nonmissing variants IBS2, int, Number of IBS 2 nonmissing variants HOMHOM, float, Number of IBS 0 SNP pairs used in PPC test HETHET, float, Number of IBS 2 het/het SNP pairs used in PPC test References: - - """ def _sort_ids(x: pd.Series): """Sort IDs alphanumerically.""" x["ID1"], x["ID2"] = sorted([x.IID1, x.IID2]) return x return ( pd.read_csv( filename, delim_whitespace=True, dtype={"FID1": "string", "IID1": "string", "FID2": "string", "IID2": "string"}, ) .apply(_sort_ids, axis=1) .drop(["IID1", "IID2", "FID1", "FID2"], axis=1) )
[docs]def read_imiss(filename: PathLike) -> pd.DataFrame: """Parse PLINK's imiss file format. This reports sample level missing data. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A (n x 5) table with the following columns .. csv-table:: :header: name, dtype, description **ID** (*index*), object, Sample or Subject ID MISS_PHENO, str, [Y/N] if the phenotype is missing N_MISS, int, The number of missing genotype calls not including obligatory missing or heterozygous haploids. N_GENO, int, Number of potentially valid calls F_MISS, float, Missing call rate References: - - """ return ( pd.read_csv(filename, delim_whitespace=True, dtype={"FID": "string", "IID": "string"}) .drop("FID", axis=1) .rename({"IID": "ID"}, axis=1) .set_index("ID") )
[docs]def read_lmiss(filename: PathLike) -> pd.DataFrame: """Parse PLINK's lmiss file format. This reports snp level missing data. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A (n x 5) table with the following columns .. csv-table:: :header: name, dtype, description CHR, str, Chromosome code SNP, str, Variant identifier N_MISS, int, The number of missing genotype calls not including obligatory missing or heterozygous haploids. N_GENO, int, Number of potentially valid calls F_MISS, float, Missing call rate References: - - """ dtypes = { "CHR": "string", "SNP": "string", "N_MISS": "UInt32", "N_GENO": "UInt32", "F_MISS": "float", } return pd.read_csv(filename, delim_whitespace=True, dtype=dtypes)
[docs]def read_sexcheck(filename: PathLike) -> pd.DataFrame: """Parse PLINK's sexcheck file format. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A (n x 5) table with the following columns .. csv-table:: :header: name, dtype, description **ID** (*index*), object, Sample or Subject ID PEDSEX, int, Sex code in input file SNPSEX, int, Imputed sex code (1 = male; 2 = female; 0 = unknown) STATUS, str, OK if PEDSEX and SNPSEX match and are nonzero PROBLEM otherwise F, int, Inbreeding coefficient considering only X chromosome. References: - - """ return ( pd.read_csv(filename, delim_whitespace=True, dtype={"FID": "string", "IID": "string"}) .drop("FID", axis=1) .rename({"IID": "ID"}, axis=1) .set_index("ID") )