Contamination Sub-workflowΒΆ

Workflow File:

Major Outputs:

  • sample_level/<BPM Prefix>.<software_params.contam_population>.abf.txt B allele frequencies from the 1000 genomes.

  • sample_level/contamination/verifyIDintensity.csv aggregated table of contamination scores.

Config Options: see The config.yml for more details

  • reference_files.thousand_genome_vcf

  • reference_files.thousand_genome_tbi

  • user_files.bcf or ( reference_files.illumina_manifest_file and user_files.gtc_pattern )

  • software_params.contam_population

bcf_input_contamination gtc_input_contamination

The contamination sub-workflow. This workflow will estimate contamination using verifyIDintensity on each sample individually. It requires that you have aggregated BCF or GTC files. It first pulls B-allele frequencies from the 1000 Genomes VCF file. It then estimates contamination for each sample and aggregates these results.