Source code for cgr_gwas_qc.parsers.illumina.IlluminaBeadArrayFiles

##    Copyright (c) 2016, Illumina
##    All rights reserved.
##    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
##    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
##    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
##       list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
##    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
##       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
##       and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
##    The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those
##    of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies,
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# This file is a copy of
# with the
# following changes:
#   - Reformated code with black
#   - Added comment to disable flake8
#   - Refactored GenotypeCalls.get_base_calls* to use generators
# flake8: noqa

__version__ = "1.2.0"
import struct
from typing import Generator

from numpy import arctan2, cos, dtype, float32, frombuffer, int32, pi, seterr, sin, uint16

seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore")

nan = float32("nan")

code2genotype = [

NC = chr(0)
AA = chr(1)
AB = chr(2)
BB = chr(3)

[docs]class GenotypeCalls: """Class to parse gtc files as produced by Illumina AutoConvert and AutoCall software. Attributes: supported_versions: Supported file versions as a list of integers """ __ID_NUM_SNPS = 1 __ID_PLOIDY = 2 __ID_PLOIDY_TYPE = 3 __ID_SAMPLE_NAME = 10 __ID_SAMPLE_PLATE = 11 __ID_SAMPLE_WELL = 12 __ID_CLUSTER_FILE = 100 __ID_SNP_MANIFEST = 101 __ID_IMAGING_DATE = 200 __ID_AUTOCALL_DATE = 201 __ID_AUTOCALL_VERSION = 300 __ID_NORMALIZATION_TRANSFORMS = 400 __ID_CONTROLS_X = 500 __ID_CONTROLS_Y = 501 __ID_RAW_X = 1000 __ID_RAW_Y = 1001 __ID_GENOTYPES = 1002 __ID_BASE_CALLS = 1003 __ID_GENOTYPE_SCORES = 1004 __ID_SCANNER_DATA = 1005 __ID_CALL_RATE = 1006 __ID_GENDER = 1007 __ID_LOGR_DEV = 1008 __ID_GC10 = 1009 __ID_GC50 = 1011 __ID_B_ALLELE_FREQS = 1012 __ID_LOGR_RATIOS = 1013 __ID_PERCENTILES_X = 1014 __ID_PERCENTILES_Y = 1015 __ID_SLIDE_IDENTIFIER = 1016 supported_version = [3, 4, 5] def __init__(self, filename, ignore_version=False, check_write_complete=True): """Constructor Args: filename (string): GTC filename ignore_version (bool): boolean to ignore automated checks on file version, not recommended (default: False) Returns: GenotypeCalls object """ self.filename = filename with open(self.filename, "rb") as gtc_handle: identifier = if identifier != b"gtc": raise Exception("GTC format error: bad format identifier") self.version = read_byte(gtc_handle) if self.version not in GenotypeCalls.supported_version and not ignore_version: raise Exception("Unsupported GTC File version (" + str(self.version) + ")") number_toc_entries = read_int(gtc_handle) # # Parse the table of contents and map the toc entry # to the lookup # self.toc_table = {} for toc_idx in range(number_toc_entries): (id, offset) = struct.unpack("<hI", self.toc_table[id] = offset if check_write_complete and not self.is_write_complete(): raise Exception("GTC file is incomplete") def __get_generic(self, toc_entry, parse_function): """Internal helper function to access a data element in a generic fashion. Args: toc_entry (int): Identifier for entry in table of contents parse_function (function): Used to parse the value from a file handle Returns: A single value parsed from the file (type dependent on parse_function) """ with open(self.filename, "rb") as gtc_handle:[toc_entry]) return parse_function(gtc_handle) def __get_generic_array(self, toc_entry, parse_function): """Internal helper function to access a data array in a generic fashion. Args: toc_entry (int): Identifier for entry in table of contents parse_function (function): A function used to parse the value from a file handle Returns: An array parsed from the file (type dependent on parse_function) """ with open(self.filename, "rb") as gtc_handle:[toc_entry]) num_entries = read_int(gtc_handle) result = [] for idx in range(num_entries): result.append(parse_function(gtc_handle)) return result def __get_generic_array_numpy(self, toc_entry, numpy_type): """Internal helper function to access a data array in a generic fashion. Args: toc_entry (int): Identifier for entry in table of contents parse_function (function): A function used to parse the value from a file handle Returns: An array parsed from the file (type dependent on parse_function) """ numpy_type = dtype(numpy_type) with open(self.filename, "rb") as gtc_handle:[toc_entry]) num_entries = read_int(gtc_handle) return frombuffer( * numpy_type.itemsize), dtype=numpy_type)
[docs] def get_num_snps(self): """Returns: The number of SNPs in the file as an integer """ return self.toc_table[GenotypeCalls.__ID_NUM_SNPS]
[docs] def get_ploidy(self): """Returns: The ploidy of the sample """ return self.toc_table[GenotypeCalls.__ID_PLOIDY]
[docs] def get_ploidy_type(self): """Returns: The ploidy type of the sample """ return self.toc_table[GenotypeCalls.__ID_PLOIDY_TYPE]
[docs] def get_sample_name(self): """Returns: The name of the sample as a string """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_SAMPLE_NAME, read_string)
[docs] def get_slide_identifier(self): """Returns: The name of the sample as a string """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_SLIDE_IDENTIFIER, read_string)
[docs] def get_sample_plate(self): """Returns: The name of the sample plate as a string """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_SAMPLE_PLATE, read_string)
[docs] def get_sample_well(self): """Returns: The name of the sample well as a string """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_SAMPLE_WELL, read_string)
[docs] def get_cluster_file(self): """Returns: The name of the cluster file used for genotyping as a string """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_CLUSTER_FILE, read_string)
[docs] def get_snp_manifest(self): """Returns: The name of the manifest used for genotyping as a string """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_SNP_MANIFEST, read_string)
[docs] def get_imaging_date(self): """Returns: The imaging date of scanning as a string For example Monday, December 01, 2014 4:51:47 PM """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_IMAGING_DATE, read_string)
[docs] def get_autocall_date(self): """Returns: The imaging date of scanning as a string For example 2/17/2015 1:47 PM """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_AUTOCALL_DATE, read_string)
[docs] def get_autocall_version(self): """Returns: The version of AutoCall used for genotyping as a string For example """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_AUTOCALL_VERSION, read_string)
[docs] def get_genotypes(self): """Returns: A byte list (string) of genotypes. See code2genotype for mapping """ return self.__get_generic_array(GenotypeCalls.__ID_GENOTYPES, read_byte)
[docs] def get_base_calls_generic( self, snps, strand_annotations, report_strand, unknown_annotation ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """ Get base calls on arbitrary strand Args: snps (list<string>) : A list of string representing the snp on the design strand for the loci (e.g. [A/C]) strand_annotations (list<int>) : A list of strand annotations for the loci report_strand (int) : The strand to use for reporting (must match encoding of strand_annotations) unknown_annotation (int) : The encoding used in strand annotations for an unknown strand Yields: The genotype basecalls on the report strand as a string. The characters are A, C, G, T, or - for a no-call/null. """ genotypes = self.get_genotypes() if len(genotypes) != len(snps): raise ValueError("The number of SNPs must match the number of loci in the GTC file") if len(genotypes) != len(strand_annotations): raise ValueError( "The number of reference strand annotations must match the number of loci in the GTC file" ) for genotype, snp, strand_annotation in zip(genotypes, snps, strand_annotations): ab_genotype = code2genotype[genotype] a_nucleotide = snp[1] b_nucleotide = snp[-2] if ( a_nucleotide == "N" or b_nucleotide == "N" or strand_annotation == unknown_annotation or ab_genotype in ["NC", "NULL"] ): yield "-" else: report_strand_nucleotides = [] for ab_allele in ab_genotype: nucleotide_allele = a_nucleotide if ab_allele == "A" else b_nucleotide report_strand_nucleotides.append( nucleotide_allele if strand_annotation == report_strand else complement(nucleotide_allele) ) yield "".join(report_strand_nucleotides)
[docs] def get_base_calls_plus_strand( self, snps, ref_strand_annotations ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """ Get base calls on plus strand of genomic reference. If you only see no-calls returned from this method, please verify that the reference strand annotations passed as argument are not unknown (RefStrand.Unknown) Args: snps (list<string>) : A list of string representing the snp on the design strand for the loci (e.g. [A/C]) ref_strand_annotations (list<int>) : A list of strand annotations for the loci (e.g., RefStrand.Plus) Yields: The genotype basecalls on the report strand as a string. The characters are A, C, G, T, or - for a no-call/null. """ yield from self.get_base_calls_generic( snps, ref_strand_annotations, RefStrand.Plus, RefStrand.Unknown )
[docs] def get_base_calls_forward_strand( self, snps, forward_strand_annotations ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """ Get base calls on the forward strand. Args: snps (list<string>) : A list of string representing the snp on the design strand for the loci (e.g. [A/C]) forward_strand_annotations (list<int>) : A list of strand annotations for the loci (e.g., SourceStrand.Forward) Yields: The genotype basecalls on the report strand as a string. The characters are A, C, G, T, or - for a no-call/null. """ yield from self.get_base_calls_generic( snps, forward_strand_annotations, SourceStrand.Forward, RefStrand.Unknown )
[docs] def get_base_calls(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Yields: The genotype basecalls as a string. The characters are A, C, G, T, or - for a no-call/null. The calls are relative to the top strand. """ try: ploidy_type = self.get_ploidy_type() except: ploidy_type = 1 genotypes = self.get_genotypes() if ploidy_type != 1 else None with open(self.filename, "rb") as gtc_handle:[GenotypeCalls.__ID_BASE_CALLS]) num_entries = read_int(gtc_handle) for idx in range(num_entries): if ploidy_type == 1: yield"utf-8") else: data_string ="utf-8") ab_genotype = code2genotype[genotypes[idx]] if ab_genotype in ["NC", "NULL"]: yield "-" else: yield "".join( [ data_string[0] if allele == "A" else data_string[1] for allele in ab_genotype ] )
[docs] def get_genotype_scores(self): """Returns: The genotype scores as a list of floats """ return self.__get_generic_array_numpy(GenotypeCalls.__ID_GENOTYPE_SCORES, float32)
[docs] def get_scanner_data(self): """Returns: Information about scanner as ScannerData object """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_SCANNER_DATA, read_scanner_data)
[docs] def get_control_x_intensities(self): """Returns: The x intensities of control bead types as a list of integers """ return self.__get_generic_array_numpy(GenotypeCalls.__ID_CONTROLS_X, uint16)
[docs] def get_control_y_intensities(self): """Returns: The y intensities of control bead types as a list of integers """ return self.__get_generic_array_numpy(GenotypeCalls.__ID_CONTROLS_Y, uint16)
[docs] def get_raw_x_intensities(self): """Returns: The raw x intensities of assay bead types as a list of integers """ return self.__get_generic_array_numpy(GenotypeCalls.__ID_RAW_X, uint16)
[docs] def get_raw_y_intensities(self): """Returns: The raw y intensities of assay bead types as a list of integers """ return self.__get_generic_array_numpy(GenotypeCalls.__ID_RAW_Y, uint16)
[docs] def get_call_rate(self): """Returns: The call rate as a float """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_CALL_RATE, read_float)
[docs] def get_gender(self): """Returns: The gender as a char M - Male, F - Female, U-Unknown """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_GENDER, read_char)
[docs] def get_logr_dev(self): """Returns: The logR deviation as a float """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_LOGR_DEV, read_float)
[docs] def get_gc10(self): """Returns: The GC10 (GenCall score - 10th percentile) as a float """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_GC10, read_float)
[docs] def get_gc50(self): """Returns: The GC50 (GenCall score - 50th percentile) as a float """ return self.__get_generic(GenotypeCalls.__ID_GC50, read_float)
[docs] def get_num_calls(self): """Returns: The number of calls as an integer """ with open(self.filename, "rb") as gtc_handle:[GenotypeCalls.__ID_GC50] + 4) return read_int(gtc_handle)
[docs] def get_num_no_calls(self): """Returns: The number of no calls as an integer """ with open(self.filename, "rb") as gtc_handle:[GenotypeCalls.__ID_GC50] + 8) return read_int(gtc_handle)
[docs] def get_num_intensity_only(self): """Returns: The number of intensity only SNPs """ with open(self.filename, "rb") as gtc_handle:[GenotypeCalls.__ID_GC50] + 12) return read_int(gtc_handle)
[docs] def get_ballele_freqs(self): """Returns: The B allele frequencies as a list of floats """ if self.version < 4: raise Exception( "B allele frequencies unavailable in GTC File version (" + str(self.version) + ")" ) return self.__get_generic_array_numpy(GenotypeCalls.__ID_B_ALLELE_FREQS, float32)
[docs] def get_logr_ratios(self): """Returns: The logR ratios as a list of floats """ if self.version < 4: raise Exception( "LogR ratios unavailable in GTC File version (" + str(self.version) + ")" ) return self.__get_generic_array_numpy(GenotypeCalls.__ID_LOGR_RATIOS, float32)
[docs] def get_percentiles_x(self): """Returns: An array of length three representing 5th, 50th and 95th percentiles for x intensity """ if self.version < 5: raise Exception( "Percentile intensities unavailable in GTC File version (" + str(self.version) + ")" ) result = [] with open(self.filename, "rb") as gtc_handle:[GenotypeCalls.__ID_PERCENTILES_X]) result = [] for idx in range(3): result.append(read_ushort(gtc_handle)) return result
[docs] def get_percentiles_y(self): """Returns: An array of length three representing 5th, 50th and 95th percentiles for y intensity """ if self.version < 5: raise Exception( "Percentile intensities unavailable in GTC File version (" + str(self.version) + ")" ) result = [] with open(self.filename, "rb") as gtc_handle:[GenotypeCalls.__ID_PERCENTILES_Y]) result = [] for idx in range(3): result.append(read_ushort(gtc_handle)) return result
[docs] def get_normalized_intensities(self, normalization_lookups): """Calculate and return the normalized intensities Args: normalization_lookups (list of ints): Map from each SNP to a normalization transform. This list can be obtained from the BeadPoolManifest object. Return: The normalized intensities for the sample as a list of (x,y) float tuples """ normalization_transforms = self.get_normalization_transforms() return [ normalization_transforms[lookup].normalize_intensities(x_raw, y_raw) for (x_raw, y_raw, lookup) in zip( self.get_raw_x_intensities(), self.get_raw_y_intensities(), normalization_lookups ) ]
[docs] def get_normalization_transforms(self): """Returns: The normalization transforms used during genotyping (as a lit of NormalizationTransforms) """ return self.__get_generic_array( GenotypeCalls.__ID_NORMALIZATION_TRANSFORMS, NormalizationTransform.read_normalization_transform, )
[docs] def is_write_complete(self): """Check for last item written to GTC file to verify that write has successfully completed Args: None Returns Whether or not write is complete (bool) """ if self.version == 3: try: self.get_num_intensity_only() return True except: return False elif self.version == 4: try: self.get_logr_ratios() return True except: return False elif self.version == 5: try: self.get_slide_identifier() return True except: return False else: raise Exception( "Unable to test for write completion on version " + str(self.version) + " GTC file" )
class NormalizationTransform: def __init__(self, buffer): """Constructor Args: buffer (string): byte string containing binary data for transform Returns: NormalizationTransform object """ (self.version,) = struct.unpack("<i", buffer[:4]) ( self.offset_x, self.offset_y, self.scale_x, self.scale_y, self.shear, self.theta, ) = frombuffer(buffer[4:28], dtype=float32) @staticmethod def read_normalization_transform(handle): """Static helper function to read normalization transform from file handle Args: handle (file handle): File handle with position at start of normalization transform entry Returns: NormalizationTransform object """ return NormalizationTransform( @staticmethod def rect_to_polar(x_y): """Converts normalized x,y intensities to (pseudo) polar coordinates (R, theta) Args: x_y (float, float): Normalized x,y intensities for probe Returns: (R,theta) polar values as tuple of floats """ x, y = x_y if x == 0 and y == 0: return (nan, nan) return (x + y, arctan2(y, x) * 2.0 / pi) def normalize_intensities(self, x, y, threshold=True): """Apply this normalization transform to raw intensities Args: x (int): Raw x intensities y (int): Raw y intensities Returns: (xn, yn) normalized intensities as tuple of floats """ if x <= 0 and y <= 0: return (nan, nan) tempx = x - self.offset_x tempy = y - self.offset_y tempx2 = cos(self.theta) * tempx + sin(self.theta) * tempy tempy2 = -sin(self.theta) * tempx + cos(self.theta) * tempy tempx3 = tempx2 - self.shear * tempy2 tempy3 = tempy2 xn = tempx3 / self.scale_x yn = tempy3 / self.scale_y if threshold: xn = 0 if 0 > xn else xn yn = 0 if 0 > yn else yn return (xn, yn) class ScannerData: def __init__(self, name, pmt_green, pmt_red, version, user): """Constructor Args: name (string): scanner identifier pmt_green (int): gain setting (green channel) pmt_red (int): gain setting (red channel) version (string): version of scanner software user (string): user of the scanner software Returns: ScannerData object """ = name self.pmt_green = pmt_green self.pmt_red = pmt_red self.version = version self.user = user
[docs]class BeadPoolManifest: """Class for parsing binary (BPM) manifest file. Attributes: names (list of strings): Names of loci from manifest snps (list of strings) : SNP values of loci from manifest chroms (list of string) : Chromosome values for loci map_infos = (list of ints) : Map info values for loci addresses (list of ints): AddressA IDs of loci from manifest normalization_lookups (list of ints): Normalization lookups from manifest. This indexes into list of normalization transforms read from GTC file ref_strands (list of ints) : Reference strand annotation for loci (see RefStrand class) source_strands (list of ints) : Source strand annotations for loci (see SourceStrand class) num_loci (int): Number of loci in manifest manifest_name (string): Name of manifest control_config (string): Control description from manifest """ def __init__(self, filename): """Constructor Args: filename (string): Locations of BPM (bead pool manifest) file Returns: BeadPoolManifest """ self.names = [] self.snps = [] self.chroms = [] self.map_infos = [] self.addresses = [] self.normalization_ids = [] self.assay_types = [] self.normalization_lookups = [] self.ref_strands = [] self.source_strands = [] self.num_loci = 0 self.manifest_name = "" self.control_config = "" self.__parse_file(filename) def __parse_file(self, manifest_file): """Helper function to initialize this object from a file. Args: manifest_file (string): Location of BPM (bead pool manifest) file Returns: None """ with open(manifest_file, "rb") as manifest_handle: header = if len(header) != 3 or header != b"BPM": raise Exception("Invalid BPM format") version = read_byte(manifest_handle) if version != 1: raise Exception("Unknown BPM version (" + str(ord(version)) + ")") version = read_int(manifest_handle) version_flag = 0x1000 if version & version_flag == version_flag: version = version ^ version_flag if version > 5 or version < 3: raise Exception("Unsupported BPM version (" + str(version) + ")") self.manifest_name = read_string(manifest_handle) if version > 1: self.control_config = read_string(manifest_handle) self.num_loci = read_int(manifest_handle) * self.num_loci, 1) name_lookup = {} for idx in range(self.num_loci): self.names.append(read_string(manifest_handle)) name_lookup[self.names[-1]] = idx for idx in range(self.num_loci): normalization_id = read_byte(manifest_handle) if normalization_id >= 100: raise Exception("Manifest format error: read invalid normalization ID") self.normalization_ids.append(normalization_id) self.assay_types = [0] * self.num_loci self.addresses = [0] * self.num_loci self.snps = [""] * self.num_loci self.chroms = [""] * self.num_loci self.map_infos = [0] * self.num_loci self.ref_strands = [RefStrand.Unknown] * self.num_loci self.source_strands = [SourceStrand.Unknown] * self.num_loci for idx in range(self.num_loci): locus_entry = LocusEntry(manifest_handle) self.assay_types[name_lookup[]] = locus_entry.assay_type self.addresses[name_lookup[]] = locus_entry.address_a self.snps[name_lookup[]] = locus_entry.snp self.chroms[name_lookup[]] = locus_entry.chrom self.map_infos[name_lookup[]] = locus_entry.map_info self.ref_strands[name_lookup[]] = locus_entry.ref_strand self.source_strands[name_lookup[]] = locus_entry.source_strand if len(self.normalization_ids) != len(self.assay_types): raise Exception("Manifest format error: read invalid number of assay entries") all_norm_ids = set() for locus_idx in range(self.num_loci): self.normalization_ids[locus_idx] += 100 * self.assay_types[locus_idx] # To mimic the byte-wrapping behavior from GenomeStudio, AutoCall, IAAP take the mod of 256 self.normalization_ids[locus_idx] %= 256 all_norm_ids.add(self.normalization_ids[locus_idx]) sorted_norm_ids = sorted(all_norm_ids) lookup_dictionary = {} for idx in range(len(sorted_norm_ids)): lookup_dictionary[sorted_norm_ids[idx]] = idx self.normalization_lookups = [ lookup_dictionary[normalization_id] for normalization_id in self.normalization_ids ]
class SourceStrand: Unknown = 0 Forward = 1 Reverse = 2 @staticmethod def to_string(source_strand): """Get an integer representation of source strand annotation Args: source_strand (str) : string representation of source strand annotation (e.g., "F") Returns: int : int representation of source strand annotation (e.g. SourceStrand.Forward) """ if source_strand == SourceStrand.Unknown: return "U" elif source_strand == SourceStrand.Forward: return "F" elif source_strand == SourceStrand.Reverse: return "R" else: raise Exception("Unexpected value for source strand " + source_strand) @staticmethod def from_string(source_strand): """Get a string representation of source strand annotation Args: source_strand (int) : int representation of source strand (e.g., SourceStrand.Forward) Returns: str : string representation of source strand annotation """ if source_strand == "U" or source_strand == "": return SourceStrand.Unknown if source_strand == "F": return SourceStrand.Forward elif source_strand == "R": return SourceStrand.Reverse else: raise Exception("Unexpected value for source strand " + source_strand) class RefStrand: Unknown = 0 Plus = 1 Minus = 2 @staticmethod def to_string(ref_strand): """Get a string reprensetation of ref strand annotation Args: ref_strand (int) : int representation of ref strand (e.g., RefStrand.Plus) Returns: str : string representation of reference strand annotation """ if ref_strand == RefStrand.Unknown: return "U" elif ref_strand == RefStrand.Plus: return "+" elif ref_strand == RefStrand.Minus: return "-" else: raise Exception("Unexpected value for reference strand " + ref_strand) @staticmethod def from_string(ref_strand): """Get an integer representation of ref strand annotation Args: ref_strand (str) : string representation of reference strand annotation (e.g., "+") Returns: int : int representation of reference strand annotation (e.g. RefStrand.Plus) """ if ref_strand == "U" or ref_strand == "": return RefStrand.Unknown if ref_strand == "+": return RefStrand.Plus elif ref_strand == "-": return RefStrand.Minus else: raise Exception("Unexpected value for reference strand " + ref_strand)
[docs]class LocusEntry: """Helper class representing a locus entry within a bead pool manifest. Current only support version 6,7, and 8. Attributes: ilmn_id (string) : IlmnID (probe identifier) of locus name (string): Name (variant identifier) of locus snp (string) : SNP value for locus (e.g., [A/C]) chrom (string) : Chromosome for the locus (e.g., XY) map_info (int) : Mapping location of locus assay_type (int) : Identifies type of assay (0 - Infinium II , 1 - Infinium I (A/T), 2 - Infinium I (G/C) address_a (int) : AddressA ID of locus address_b (int) : AddressB ID of locus (0 if none) ref_strand (int) : See RefStrand class source_strand (int) : See SourceStrand class """ def __init__(self, handle): """Constructor Args: handle (file handle): File handle at start of locus entry record Returns: LocusEntry """ self.ilmn_id = "" = "" self.snp = "" self.chrom = "" self.map_info = -1 self.assay_type = -1 self.address_a = -1 self.address_b = -1 self.ref_strand = RefStrand.Unknown self.source_strand = SourceStrand.Unknown self.__parse_file(handle) def __parse_file(self, handle): """Helper function to initialize this object from a file handle Args: handle (file handle): File handle at start of locus entry record Returns: None """ version = read_int(handle) if version == 6: self.__parse_locus_version_6(handle) elif version == 7: self.__parse_locus_version_7(handle) elif version == 8: self.__parse_locus_version_8(handle) else: raise Exception( "Manifest format error: unknown version for locus entry (" + str(version) + ")" ) def __parse_locus_version_6(self, handle): """Helper function to parse version 6 locus entry Args: handle (file handle): File handle at start of locus entry record Returns: None """ self.ilmn_id = read_string(handle) self.source_strand = SourceStrand.from_string(self.ilmn_id.split("_")[-2]) = read_string(handle) for idx in range(3): read_string(handle) for idx in range(2): read_string(handle) self.snp = read_string(handle) self.chrom = read_string(handle) for idx in range(2): read_string(handle) self.map_info = int(read_string(handle)) for idx in range(2): read_string(handle) self.address_a = read_int(handle) self.address_b = read_int(handle) for idx in range(7): read_string(handle) self.assay_type = read_byte(handle) if self.assay_type not in [0, 1, 2]: raise Exception("Format error in reading assay type from locus entry") if self.address_b == 0: if self.assay_type != 0: raise Exception("Manifest format error: Assay type is inconsistent with address B") else: if self.assay_type == 0: raise Exception("Manifest format error: Assay type is inconsistent with address B") def __parse_locus_version_7(self, handle): """Helper function to parse version 7 locus entry Args: handle (file handle): File handle at start of locus entry record Returns: None """ self.__parse_locus_version_6(handle) * 4) def __parse_locus_version_8(self, handle): """Helper function to parse version 8 locus entry Args: handle (file handle): File handle at start of locus entry record Returns: None """ self.__parse_locus_version_7(handle) self.ref_strand = RefStrand.from_string(read_string(handle))
complement_map = {"A": "T", "T": "A", "C": "G", "G": "C", "D": "D", "I": "I"}
[docs]def complement(nucleotide): """Complement a single nucleotide. Complements of D(eletion) and I(nsertion) are D and I, respectively. Args: nucleotide (string) : Nucleotide, must be A, C, T, G, D, or I Returns: str : Complemented nucleotide """ if nucleotide in complement_map: return complement_map[nucleotide] raise ValueError("Nucleotide must be one of A, C, T, G, D, or I")
[docs]def read_char(handle): """Helper function to parse character from file handle Args: handle (file handle): File handle Returns: char value read from handle """ return
[docs]def read_ushort(handle): """Helper function to parse ushort from file handle Args: handle (file handle): File handle Returns: numpy.int16 value read from handle """ return frombuffer(, dtype=uint16)[0]
[docs]def read_int(handle): """Helper function to parse int from file handle Args: handle (file handle): File handle Returns: numpy.int32 value read from handle """ return struct.unpack("<i",[0]
[docs]def read_float(handle): """Helper function to parse float from file handle Args: handle (file handle): File handle Returns: numpy.float32 value read from handle """ return frombuffer(, dtype=float32)[0]
[docs]def read_byte(handle): """Helper function to parse byte from file handle Args: handle (file handle): File handle Returns: byte value read from handle """ return struct.unpack("<B",[0]
[docs]def read_string(handle): """Helper function to parse string from file handle. See for additional details on string format. Args: handle (file handle): File handle Returns: string value read from handle """ total_length = 0 partial_length = read_byte(handle) num_bytes = 0 while partial_length & 0x80 > 0: total_length += (partial_length & 0x7F) << (7 * num_bytes) partial_length = ord(struct.unpack("c",[0]) num_bytes += 1 total_length += partial_length << (7 * num_bytes) result = if len(result) < total_length: raise Exception("Failed to read complete string") else: return result.decode()
[docs]def read_scanner_data(handle): """Helper function to parse ScannerData object from file handle. Args: handle (file handle): File handle Returns: ScannerData value read from handle """ name = read_string(handle) pmt_green = read_int(handle) pmt_red = read_int(handle) scanner_version = read_string(handle) imaging_user = read_string(handle) return ScannerData(name, pmt_green, pmt_red, scanner_version, imaging_user)