Source code for cgr_gwas_qc.parsers.bpm

"""Parser for the Illumina BPM format."""
import re
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Generator, List, Optional, Sequence

from .common import CgrBiAllelicVariantRecord, CgrFile
from .illumina.IlluminaBeadArrayFiles import BeadPoolManifest, RefStrand, SourceStrand, complement

[docs]@contextmanager def open(filename): """Note this has to be used as a context manager. To open and close while not using a `with` block you must to the `BpmFile` class directly. """ bpm_data = BpmFile(filename) try: yield bpm_data finally: del bpm_data
[docs]class BpmFile(CgrFile): """Provides an iterable interface to BPM files.""" fields = ["id", "snp", "chrom", "pos", "ref_strand", "source_strand"] def __init__(self, filename): self.fileobj = BeadPoolManifest(filename) self.num_loci = self.fileobj.num_loci self.manifest_name = self.fileobj.manifest_name self.control_config = self.fileobj.control_config
[docs] def write(self): raise NotImplementedError( "BPM is a binary format and writing is not currently implemented." )
def __iter__(self) -> Generator["BpmRecord", None, None]: for row in zip( self.fileobj.names, self.fileobj.snps, self.fileobj.chroms, self.fileobj.map_infos, self.fileobj.ref_strands, self.fileobj.source_strands, ): data = dict(zip(self.fields, row)) data["allele_1"], data["allele_2"] = _split_alleles(data["snp"]) data["ref_strand"] = RefStrand.to_string(data["ref_strand"]) data["source_strand"] = SourceStrand.to_string(data["source_strand"]) yield BpmRecord(**data)
def _split_alleles(snp: str) -> Sequence[str]: match ="\[(\w)\/(\w)\]", snp) return match.groups() if match else ()
[docs]@dataclass class BpmRecord(CgrBiAllelicVariantRecord): snp: Optional[str] = None # in the form [A/B] ref_strand: Optional[str] = None # decoded ref strand [U, +, -], set at init source_strand: Optional[str] = None # decoded source strand [U, F, R], set at init @property def A_allele(self): return self.allele_1 @property def A_allele_complement(self): return complement(self.allele_1) @property def B_allele(self): return self.allele_2 @property def B_allele_complement(self): return complement(self.allele_2) def get_record_problems(self) -> List[str]: problems = [] if self.pos < 1: problems.append("bad_position") if self.is_ambiguous(): problems.append("ambiguous_allele") if self.is_indel(): problems.append("indel") return problems