Source code for cgr_gwas_qc.parsers.bim

"""Parser for the PLINK BIM format."""

from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Generator, List, Optional

from .common import CgrBiAllelicVariantRecord, CgrFile

[docs]@contextmanager def open(filename, mode: str = "r"): """Note this has to be used as a context manager. To open and close while not using a `with` block you must to the `BimFile` class directly. """ bim_file = BimFile(filename, mode) try: yield bim_file finally: bim_file.close()
[docs]class BimFile(CgrFile): """Provides an iterable interface to BIM files.""" endchar: Optional[str] = "\n" fields = [ "encoded_chrom", "id", "morgans", "pos", "allele_1", "allele_2", ] def __iter__(self) -> Generator["BimRecord", None, None]: for row in self.fileobj: data = dict(zip(self.fields, row.strip().split())) # Fix types data["morgans"] = int(data["morgans"]) data["pos"] = int(data["pos"]) data["chrom"] = _decode(data["encoded_chrom"]) yield BimRecord(**data)
def _decode(chrom): """Decodes BIM chromosome code.""" chrom_codes = { "23": "X", "24": "Y", "25": "XY", "26": "MT", } return chrom_codes.get(chrom, chrom)
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class BimRecord(CgrBiAllelicVariantRecord): encoded_chrom: Optional[str] = None # encoded chromosome morgans: Optional[int] = None # position in morgans
[docs] def get_record_problems(self) -> List[str]: """Checks the record for common problems. A convenience method to check the record for a set of common problems and return a list of those problems. Potential problems: ["not_major_chrom", "bad_position", "ambiguous_allele", "indel]. """ problems = [] if self.not_major_chrom(): problems.append("not_major_chrom") if self.pos < 1: problems.append("bad_position") if self.is_ambiguous(): problems.append("ambiguous_allele") if self.is_indel(): problems.append("indel") return problems
def __str__(self): return f"{self.encoded_chrom} {} {self.morgans} {self.pos} {self.allele_1} {self.allele_2}" def __eq__(self, other): """Compare two BimRecords ignoring the allele order. Allele order is not consistent when running PLINK, so I want to consider two records equal even if the alleles are swapped. """ return ( isinstance(self, BimRecord) and isinstance(other, BimRecord) and == and self.chrom == other.chrom and self.encoded_chrom == other.encoded_chrom and self.morgans == other.morgans and self.pos == other.pos and ( (self.allele_1 == other.allele_1 and self.allele_2 == other.allele_2) or (self.allele_1 == other.allele_2 and self.allele_2 == other.allele_1) ) )