Source code for cgr_gwas_qc.config

from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple

import pandas as pd
from snakemake.rules import expand

import cgr_gwas_qc.yaml as yaml
from cgr_gwas_qc.models.config import Config
from cgr_gwas_qc.parsers import sample_sheet
from cgr_gwas_qc.typing import PathLike

class CgrGwasQcConfigError(Exception):

[docs]class ConfigMgr: """Manage all things config. Example: >>> from cgr_gwas_qc import load_config >>> cfg = load_config() # must have ``config.yml`` and ``cgr_sample_sheet.csv`` in current directory. """ #: The absolute path to ``cgr_gwas_qc`` source code. SRC_DIR: Path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() #: The absolute path to the ``workflow`` source code. WORKFLOW_DIR: Path = SRC_DIR / "workflow" #: The absolute path to the ``workflow/conda``. CONDA_DIR: Path = WORKFLOW_DIR / "conda" #: The absolute path to the ``workflow/modules``. MODULE_DIR: Path = WORKFLOW_DIR / "modules" #: The absolute path to the ``workflow/scripts``. SCRIPTS_DIR: Path = WORKFLOW_DIR / "scripts" #: The absolute path to the ``workflow/sub_workflows``. SUBWORKFLOW_DIR: Path = WORKFLOW_DIR / "sub_workflows" #: The absolute path to the ``workflow/Snakefile``. SNAKEFILE: Path = WORKFLOW_DIR / "Snakefile" #: The absolute path to the ``reporting/templates``. TEMPLATE_DIR: Path = SRC_DIR / "reporting/templates" #: The absolute path to the ``reporting/QC_Report_Data_Dictionary.xlsx``. DD_DIR: Path = SRC_DIR / "reporting/QC_Report_Data_Dictionary.xlsx" __instance = None ################################################################################ # Set-up ################################################################################ def __init__(self, root: Path, user_config: Path, sample_sheet_file: Path): #: The current working directory. self.root: Path = root #: The ``config.yml``` in the current working directory. self.user_config: Path = user_config #: The ``cgr_sample_sheet.csv``` in the current working directory. self.sample_sheet_file: Path = sample_sheet_file data = yaml.load(self.user_config) self._config = Config.parse_obj(data) self._sample_sheet: pd.DataFrame = self._cluster_groups = sorted(
[docs] @classmethod def instance(cls, pytest=False): """Returns the active ConfigMgr instance. This ensures that only 1 ConfigMgr is created per python session. """ if pytest: return cls(*find_cgr_files()) if cls.__instance is None: cls.__instance = cls(*find_cgr_files()) return cls.__instance
################################################################################ # Access to the user's config and Sample Sheet ################################################################################ @property def config(self) -> Config: """The user's config settings from ``config.yml``. Example: >>> from cgr_gwas_qc import load_config >>> cfg = load_config() >>> cfg.config.software_params.maf_for_ibd 0.2 """ return self._config @property def ss(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """The user's sample sheet data. Example: >>> cfg = load_config() >>> Sample_ID Subject_ID ... SP001 SB001 ... SP002 SB002 ... """ return self._sample_sheet @property def cluster_groups(self) -> List[str]: """List of the cluster group names from ``cgr_sample_sheet.csv``. Example: >>> cfg = load_config() >>> cfg.cluster_groups ["cgroup1", "cgroup2"] """ return self._cluster_groups ################################################################################ # Helper functions for snakemake ################################################################################
[docs] def expand( self, file_pattern: str, combination: Callable = zip, query: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[str]: """Use sample sheet columns to fill in file pattern Args: file_pattern: A snakemake compatible file name pattern. combination: The combinatorial method to use (see snakemake.rules.expand). Defaults to zip. query: A pandas.DataFrame.query to use to filter before expansion. Defaults to None. Returns: A list of expanded file names. Example: >>> cfg = load_config() # assuming ``cgr_sample_sheet.csv`` contains 3 samples SP00{1,2,3} >>> cfg.expand("{Sample_ID}.txt") ["SP001.txt", "SP002.txt", "SP003.txt"] >>> cfg.expand("{Sample_ID}.txt", query="Sample_ID == 'SP002'") [SP002.txt"] """ df = if query else return expand(file_pattern, combination, **df.to_dict("list"))
[docs] @classmethod def conda(cls, filename: str) -> str: """Return path to a conda env file. Given a conda env file_name, prepends the full path to that file. """ return (cls.CONDA_DIR / f"{filename}.yml").as_posix()
[docs] @classmethod def modules(cls, filename: str) -> str: """Return the path to a module file. Given a rule file_name, prepends the full path to that module. """ return (cls.MODULE_DIR / f"{filename}.smk").as_posix()
[docs] @classmethod def scripts(cls, filename: str) -> str: """Return the path to an internal script. Given a script file_name, prepends the full path to that script. """ return (cls.SCRIPTS_DIR / filename).as_posix()
[docs] @classmethod def subworkflow(cls, workflow: str) -> str: """Return the path to a sub-workflow. Given a sub-workflow name, give the full path to the snakefile. """ return (cls.SUBWORKFLOW_DIR / f"{workflow}.smk").as_posix()
@property def docx_template(self) -> str: """Return the path to the docx template.""" return (self.TEMPLATE_DIR / "cgr_reference.docx").as_posix() @property def data_dictionary(self) -> str: """Return the path to the qc report data dictioanry.""" return (self.DD_DIR).as_posix()
################################################################################ # Helper functions for Set-up ################################################################################ def scan_for_yaml(base_dir: Path, name: str) -> Optional[Path]: """Scans a directory for Yaml configs. The Yaml format commonly has ``*.yml`` or ``*.yaml`` file extensions. This will search for ``{base_dir}/{name}.{yml,yaml}`` and returns the path if present. Returns: Optiona[Path]: Path to the config file """ if (base_dir / f"{name}.yml").exists(): return base_dir / f"{name}.yml" if (base_dir / f"{name}.yaml").exists(): return base_dir / f"{name}.yaml" return None def find_cgr_files() -> Tuple[Path, Path, Path]: root = Path.cwd().absolute() user_config = scan_for_yaml(root, "config") sample_sheet_file = root / "cgr_sample_sheet.csv" if user_config is None: raise FileNotFoundError("Please run with a `config.yml` in your working directory.") if not sample_sheet_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( "Missing `cgr_sample_sheet.csv`. " "This file is created during `cgr preflight`, " "please run preflight prior to trying to run the workflow." ) return root, user_config, sample_sheet_file def config_to_yaml( cfg: Config, yaml_file: PathLike = "config.yml", exclude_none=True, **kwargs ) -> None: def serialize(data): """Scan for path objects and convert to strings.""" cleaned = {} for k, v in data.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): cleaned[k] = serialize(v) elif isinstance(v, Path): cleaned[k] = v.as_posix() elif isinstance(v, Enum): cleaned[k] = v.value else: cleaned[k] = v return cleaned yaml.write(serialize(cfg.dict(exclude_none=exclude_none, **kwargs)), Path(yaml_file))