Joint variant calling with GATK4 HaplotypeCaller, Google DeepVariant 1.0.0 and Strelka2, coordinated via Snakemake.
activate the snakemake conda environment created in the installation step
conda activate snakemake
clone the repository
modify config/samples.txt and config/config.yaml as described in the inputs and outputs section
go to workflow directory
cd <cloned repo dir>/workflow
Follow the instruction here to create a service account to run the workflow via Google Cloud Life Sciences and then save json credentials and use for the pipeline. For more details, read the snakemake guide as well.
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/snakemake-credentials.json
run the pipeline
snakemake --google-lifesciences --default-remote-prefix <gs_path_for_output> --use-conda --google-lifesciences-region us-east1
monitor the jobs on gcp console (lifesciences and compute engine)