Joint variant calling with GATK4 HaplotypeCaller, Google DeepVariant 1.0.0 and Strelka2, coordinated via Snakemake.
conda activate snakemake
modify config/samples.txt
and config/config.yaml
as described in here
cd <cloned repo dir>/workflow
module load singularity
cd <cloned repo dir>/workflow
snakemake --profile profiles/ccad --use-singularity --singularity-args "--bind /DCEG" --jobs 100 --latency-wait 300 --rerun-incomplete
qsub -q long.q -V -j y -cwd -o ${PWD} <script>
The log files are in ```<cloned repo dir>/workflow/logs/```, it is also useful to look at ```<cloned repo dir>/workflow/<script>.o<jobid>``` for snakemake logs
#### Fine tuning the pipeline
- To change the queue a particular rule is being submit to, you can edit the _profiles/ccad/cluster.yaml_ file. For example, adding
HC_call_variants :
queue : bigmem.q
to the profiles/ccad/cluster.yaml file tells GEMSCAN to submit the HC_call_variants jobs to bigmem.q